Case Study

Case Study sponsorshipCompress the sales cycle by presenting your success stories to an engaged audience of 10,000 decision makers.


  • Case study delivered via email to recipients
  • Opportunity to cover the details of a specific problem encountered and its solution
  • Allows readers to see information on the latest industry advancements
  • Deep link to supplier’s website within the content
  • Hosted on for one year

Sponsor Benefits:

  • Strong positioning with the sponsor seen as an industry leader
  • Exclusive content marketing opportunity with 100 percent share of voice
  • ROI with the sponsor receiving a detailed metric and engagement report


500-word case study:

  • A brief history of the problem
  • Location and the name of the client
  • What was needed for the solution
  • How it was solved, including objectives and benefits
  • Author’s name for byline
  • The company’s contact information, including phone number, fax number, email address and website
  • Note: Avoid using multiple product endorsement quotes and product specifications — links to this information can be incorporated in the case study. Editors reserve the right to edit content for grammar and style. 

Two images and captions:

  • High-resolution images, JPG or GIF preferred
  • Captions no longer than 45 characters

Sponsor logo

  • Dimensions: 120 x 60 logo
  • Accepted formats: JPG or GIF

Signed email distribution agreement and current opt-out list are required prior to deployment.

Contact Your Sales Representative to Learn More

Kim Sammartino
Associate Publisher

Andrea Schafer
Advertising Sales