Stay connected to the industry with the July issue of GPN, and tell growers nationwide What’s New? with your business. Share your story in the following three ways.
What’s New? Ad + Advertorial
A What’s New? ad spread in GPN includes a tabloid ad and adjacent advertorial page. Advertorial content is supplied by the advertiser so you can share What’s New? in services, research, products and plants!
What’s New? Exclusive E-Blast
Each advertiser will receive an exclusive e-blast sent to 10,000 GPN readers. The e-mail provides 100% share of voice to introduce new products, drive readers to your website and generate leads. You simply provide us with an HTML file to send to readers.
What’s New? Product Showcase
Since growers want to know What’s New?, you can provide the answer in our special What’s New? Product Showcase! Each advertiser will be part of this digital product showcase sent to 10,000 GPN readers. Advertisers will supply one 4-color, high-resolution image in .jpg or .gif format and a 50 to 75-word description of the product’s features and capabilities.
Special package rates available.